These scripts were written to allow ListSTAR to send pages to Notify! as part of it's rule structure. Two sample scripts are included and described below.
What you Need
• AppleScript as well as the scriptable Finder. (An install of System 7.5 or later guarantees compatibility, although System 7 Pro may work as well).
• Notify! Software
More information on Notify! can be obtained from:
Ex Machina, Inc.
11 East 26th Street - 16th Floor
New York, NY 10010-1402
(800) 238-4738 toll free order line
(212) 843-0000 voice
(212) 843-0029 fax
Compuserve: 76004,3427
Applelink: EXMAC.INFO
MCI Mail: Ex Machina
Notify! Send Page v1.0
This script will send a page to a Notify! subscriber. It gets the subscriber's name from the subject field of the incoming e-mail message, and the body of the page from the body of the message. Because the script checks these fields, it must be saved as uncompiled text so that ListSTAR can append variable information to the script.
Set-up Instructions
1) Create a ListSTAR Service.
2) Place the script in the folder with the same name as the service just created (this folder will be found in the ListSTAR Services folder).
3) Create a new rule in your service (suggested name: Send Page).
4) In the "Content" trigger pane, adjust the Miscellaneous trigger popup to read "When no previous rules hit".
5) In the "Miscellaneous" action pane, click "Stop rule processing".
6) In the "Miscellaneous" action pane, click "Copy mail file to" and use the "Nothing Selected" button to create a new file in this service's folder with the name "Outgoing Page".
7) In the "Miscellaneous" action pane, click "Execute AppleScript" and use the "Nothing Selected" button to select the uncompiled "Notify! Send Page v1.0" script.
8) Open the "Notify! Send Page v1.0" script and change the value for the ServiceName variable to be the same as the name of your Service.
Notify! Subscribers v1.0
This script will send a list of Notify! subscribers and groups to the sender of the mail which triggered the rule.
Set-up Instructions
1) Create a ListSTAR Service.
2) Place the script in the folder with the same name as the service just created (this folder will be found in the ListSTAR Services folder).
3) Create a new rule in your service (suggested name: subscribers).
4) In the "Content" trigger pane, check the "Subject starts with" and enter "subscribers".
5) In the "Miscellaneous" trigger pane, check "Stop rule processing".
6) Also in the "Miscellaneous" trigger pane, check "Execute AppleScript" and use the "Nothing Selected" button to select the uncompiled "Notify! Subscribers v1.0" script.
7) Open the "Notify! Subscribers v1.0" script and change the value for the ServiceName variable to be the same as the name of your Service.
Error Handling
It is also suggested that a "When processing errors occured" rule be added to this service which will at least notify the sender that there may have been a problem with the page.
If you have any problems or questions, contact StarNine Support <>. Unfortunately, we cannot support any further customization of this script. See the ListSTAR Scripts ReadMe for more sources of information.